Assignment: Read the book of Acts for our prayer retreat.
My silent cry: Lord, let me see something different from the reading than what I been seeing. Lord, why can't I read things that are light, fun, lifting, rather than things that deal with Warfare. Everything I put my hands to, things read by others they want to shout and rejoice, adds fuel to my heart, WE ARE AT WAR! Please understand, I am not referring to ISIS type of war (exclusively) but Spiritual War. We must be taken to our knees, 2 Chronicles 7:13, so that we can experience 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Hungry for the Miraculous God to show up is lurking in many of our souls. Where is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Where is the Holy Spirit that 'healed many' in the book of Acts? Where is the power of God that could heal a nation from Ebola?
Reading "Forty Days With The Holy Spirit", day 32, the author says: If the Holy Spirit were to return to the church at that level of power—as I myself expect will come one day—we can expect this sort of thing to happen again.
Thought immediately: God, when will you return the power of Peter and John at the temple, 'silver and gold have I none but take up your bed and walk'.
Is God waiting for a people that will not do a seven point teaching on how to get that power? Is He looking for a people that will simply say, 'It is not by our power or godliness that this happens'?
Is God waiting for a people that will trust Him first instead of last?
Are we living in a time when He has withheld them from the American church because of our abuse?
Is this the first level of 2 Chronicles 7:13 - a drought of miracles, come on, real miracles? Not those we see orchestrated that people 'lose' because of a lack of faith?
Then the thought of Acts 5 flooded my thoughts: Peter, flowing under the same faucet of power that caused a lame man to walk, confronted a man and woman filled with greed, deceit and lies with their sin and they died on the scene. Wow, did you read that list, GREED, DECEIT, LIES. The church world is full of those sins. "Ministries" are built on them. People in the pew have come to expect it from the leadership and leaders have become tolerant of those in the pew.
We must inject here: The church has made greed not only acceptable but a promise of the Bible. God wants you to have...... Jesus came to earth to make you happy...... COME ON - REALLY? While the harvest field is ripe unto harvest, while the world is positioned for the NEED of a Savior, we believe He is concerned about our bellies, possessions, etc?
Integrity - what a novel idea. I will never take for the 8,178 miles we (Gene Adee and myself) rode with those four virtues from the "Loop of Life" from the Lakota Indians, Honor - Respect - Integrity - Compassion.
Are we ready for the miracles of God?
Are we ready for the pain the Holy Spirit will bring - as well as the healing, the deliverances, the joy.
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