Friday, September 12, 2014

Boy / Man


My wife Carolyn has traveled many motorcycle miles with me and had to 'endure' guys just hanging out. How many times have she stated, 'you are a bunch of overgrown kids', all the while smiling or laughing herself. She enjoys the joy of the moment, the giggles, the humor, the silliness, as most women do.

Men are wired so that in most of them, there are a few grumpy ole guys, have a little guy inside. He likes to express himself, he loves to be silly and sometimes he even likes a little adventure that get's him in trouble.

It would appear to me that there are two phases, 1) The boy overrides the man and 2) the man overrides the boy. This can take years to take place, depending on training, environment and a man's choice of close friends.

A sad part of all of it, if they start using drugs, at that point they stop maturing. When and if they sober up, they have to start from that point of growth. This can be very challenging for the man and those around him. Patience is in high demand, due to they don't want to be treated like a 'boy' in a man's body. It is humiliating for the man side and more times than not, they will not stay the course.

The things that a man must conquer to put away the childish behavior, 1 Corinthians 13:11,
  • Fear -  I have been told the only fear we are born with is that of falling. All the rest of our fears are learned, sometimes by over-fearful parents or care-takers. 
  • Despair - this is an enemy that many think is special to them. Oh the people that say, 'but you don't understand my situation'. This enemy attacks the very core of our Christian walk, Jesus is our hope. If we understand who He is and what He can do and most importantly where we are headed, there will never be a day of despair. The only person responsible for our hope filled journey is us. The enemy must be stopped, way to many young people are ending their life because they have no hope. 
  • Entitlement - this enemy should be 'phased' out of our life during our teen years. Two reasons that seem to jump out of society if you are observing: 
    • Many feel they are 'entitled' to a fun filled, happy, whatever I want life, when they are raised by parents who do whatever they have to do to make it happen, get mad when life treats them unfair and 'fixes it', never makes them stand up on their own or overall, treats them like little kids way to long. 
    • There are others raised by parents who live on entitlements. The only environment they know is to have things given to them, for whatever reason. Being the National Director of Mission:M25, many think we are about handouts, actually we believe in hand"ups". Where our home base has fed close to a million meals to the homeless, 85% of them get day work. We provide a breakfast and a sack lunch for their day. 
Wow, this blog appears to be written by the 'ole man' side, rather than the 'boy' side that likes it short. 

Lord, hear our prayer today, give this nation, culture and CHURCH, men who think and behave like men, not little boys who never grow up. We do not need anymore 50 year olds behaving like a Freshman in high school. 

Lord, teach our men how to let the little boy out to play ever once in a while. My Father, Lloyd Burd, now 84 years old, said a few years ago, 'do what you enjoy and you will live a longer, happier life'. Dad, I am trying. 


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