Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 4 Never Again

Day 4

This was a day set aside for riding. We rode from Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. A very good day to get to know those who are riding with you. The new friends that are being made are priceless. There are no words to express how much we are learning about each other, Jewish and Christians. Learning how to respect and understand each other. We are learning of each others ways and customs. It is amazing the high regard we have for each. Neither one of us only answers questions asked, not trying to force feed our beliefs.

Carolyn tells me of a conversation with a Jewish lady riding behind her brother and how it blessed her. I approached Loya to thank her for blessing Carolyn with her words. She began to speak of her tears that ran as she heard Gary Cope and I speak as Christians of our empathy for the Jewish people. She stated that she felt like 'we got it'. She felt like most of the world does not feel the pain, rejection, abandonment and many who literally hate them. She spoke of the joy M25 has brought to her and her brother by simply being with them on this ride. Eddie, her brother, asked for a M25 patch to support our effort!

Then upon arrival at the motel, who is there but Butch. Butch fought with Sgt Rock in Vietnam 45 years ago and was only 100 yards in front of Sgt Rock when he took those eleven rounds. Mission:M25 rallied around him, followed by the Canadian and other Jewish men and women to thank him.

The motel offered to shuttle us to eat that night, now when you have been days on a bike, you can only spell that as 'RELIEF'. While there a classmate of Carolyn joined us who resides in Atlanta. She and her husband shared in the meal, we swapped stories and to conclude, we ended up asking them to join us for devotion. M/M Greg Powers joined us and Greg shared his story. He played on the PGA Pro Tour for 17 years, was in a bad wreck and was told he would never play golf again. He turned his life to Christ and has come back and played in a Senior Tour tournament and uses that platform and his teaching others golf to share his testimony.

A big day for all. We had M25 riders from Siler City Journey Church; First Church of Goldsboro, My Father's Vineyard of Pensacola, FL and two couples from Upper South Carolina Conference join us. 

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