Sunday, August 24, 2014

Riding under the Son

No, that is not a mis-typed word, SON is what was meant. Carolyn and I have spoken much the past few days of His blessings on our life.

We have raised a family of three to the best of our ability and we are proud of the adults they are and the mates they have chosen. We truly enjoy our time with our seven grandkids and miss them very much.

We have served the IPHC for over 47 years in ministry (not always faithful but we were there), served the same church for approximately 40 years, 28 as lead pastor, served the Great Plains Conference for over 20 years as Bishop. We have no regrets for our service.

Now we are on a new journey, riding our bike, serving people where we can and speaking in churches as they come open (at which time we are fully booked for which we are humbled and thankful). Our biggest cry from my choice of a family creed as a Knight of Refuge is to 'right wrongs'. We will be in many settings throughout the year to 'right wrongs'. Do we believe we are the answer? No, however, we must live out a core value though, 'it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness'. We will do something.

This year we have been allowed to stand for:
1. Pro-life
2. Bringing our nation into accountability for POW/MIA (Prisoners of War and Missing In Action)
3. Unjust division in the rich and poor through Free Camp.
4. The unjust & continued treatment of the Native Americans.

Our current 8,000 plus mile trip will include many opportunities to share and serve. However, we are extremely blessed by the following facts:
1. We are together. This is huge to us. We have been married almost 45 years and are still deeply in love and enjoy being together.
2. We are seeing and experiencing things that we never thought would be possible to do. We are making new friends and deepening relationships with friends we have had for years.
3. We have our health to enjoy numbers 1 & 2, which at our age we do not take for granted.
4. The weather (after the first night) has been remarkable. Not too hot or cold, we missed rain and have had a joyful ride.

As we rode yesterday to the Harley Davidson Museum and ended our time there setting by the river eating an 'all you can eat' fish special, we were reminded of 2 Cor 4:1 - it is by His mercy that we have been given this ministry. We, neither one, feel we deserve this opportunity. It can only be defined by his Mercy and Grace, Mercy - He does not give us what we deserve and Grace - He gives us what we don't deserve!

May God bless you on your journey. Hold fast where you are with joy. Never look for greener pasture and spend more time thanking God than complaining to God. You never know what the journey will bring you if you keep a pure and undefiled (no unforgiveness) heart. No roots of bitterness. Let Him handle your adversaries and only defend those who cannot defend themselves, never defend yourself. That is His job.

Gary and Carolyn on the road in Howard, MI

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