Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ministry by His Mercy

2 Cor 4:1 Therefore, since through God’s mercy(A)we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. (NIV)

2 Cor 4:1-2 
Since God has so generously let us in on what he is doing, we’re not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times. We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don’t maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don’t twist God’s Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God. (MSG)

This morning moments before I was allowed to speak the Gospel to a fantastic church in Helena, MT, Mountain Family Worship Center, this text came across my mind. 

It is because of His mercy that we have been given this opportunity to work for His Kingdom, His cause, etc. There is nothing we have done to deserve it, nothing we have done to earn it, nothing we have done to make it happen, no, it was His mercy! Mercy defined is getting what you don't deserve! Carolyn and I have spoken many times, we don't deserve this glorious opportunity. 

Keys learned from this mercy:

1. We cannot get discouraged, no room for that when you are so grateful and thankful for the opportunity. The picture of Carolyn and I riding, yes, we miss our home, yes we miss our kids and grandkids, yes we miss our church family of 40 years, CHC but HOW COULD WE GET DISCOURAGED? Do we get tired, absolutely, the body gets weary but the spirit rejoices. How could we fail Him and His mercy?

2. Passion is maintained when you realize what He has done for you by His mercy. The passion only wanes, from my experience, when I fall back into 'holding on' or producing something someone else has produced and not being obedient to the mandate on our life. 

3. Hard times are guaranteed on this side of Heaven, if you walk with the Lord or not.  Watching the sun come up as we rode into Canada on Wednesday morning, it had clouds around it and drops of rain fell on us. It was a reminder of the pain and tears that come, even in the midst of the beauty and joy of the sun rising. We cannot allow discouragement for it is by the mercy of God that we walk through the clouds and rain, problems and tears. 

4. Honesty, transparency are a must in our walk with God because of His mercy. Making promises 'for' God that He does 'not' promise to all only makes people question His mercy. 


  1. Thank you my dear brother SirGary for the precious jewels you share with us and especially knowing how easily and quickly the time escapes. We are keeping you and LadyCarolyn in our prayers continuously and we love you dearly!
