Last year the ride took me 8,471 miles in 11 days, sleeping by my bike, no showers, eating what we could where we could. We rode from Key West, FL to Homer, AK. Incredible journey. One that has grabbed my heart and made me think often of the Native American and what we did to them, the life cycles that are hard to break, the ongoing misery that it has produced.
Hoka Hey is to remind us of the pain of the Native American when we drove them off their home lands and took away their way of life. It is also to bring awareness of the plight of suffering that continues today on many of the reservations. So, camping is in order. No comfy motel or soft bed.
Then on August 3, I rode across the Badlands to Kyle, SD on the Pine Ridge Reservation to meet with Ivan Sorbel, pictured to the right, Ivan is on the far left and Steve DeBray, Oglala Sioux Sundance Chief (standing in the middle) about the crisis on the resevation. My heart broke as these two men shared with me seemingly their dilema that is over one hundred years old. Unemployment rate of 80% on the reservation, teen suicide and teen pregnancy, alcoholism, and overall poverty. We spoke of building a community building where all types of events, celebrations, prayer meetings, etc could be had without a lot of tribal paperwork or cost to the people. I mounted my bike feeling the Holy Spirit had lifted these two men, if for no other reason, I showed up to listen and learn, show compassion and attempt to make a difference.